As a user led organisation most of our trustees are disabled people or carers. With a wealth of lived experience and knowledge, our Board ensures that we do not sit on our laurels, but keep moving forward to improve.
They are committed to the work we do and our guiding principles of:
Ensuring that the voice of disabled people is heard above the commotion.
Delivering quality professional services that ensure disabled people get the right support and opportunities.
Developing services and opportunities that are designed to meet individuals’ needs.
Working in partnership to ensure that disabled people and carers have access to the services, opportunities and facilities they need.

Mark Oldershaw is our current Chair.
He is supported by the others on the Board to ensure our legal, ethical and charity compliance.
If you would like to know more about what it takes to be a great Trustee you can read more on the following documents:
If you would like to discuss becoming a Trustee, please contact Richard Pitman, CEO: Contact Us