Compass Independent Living have been delivering Direct Payment/Personal Health Budget support services across the Country since 2006.
If you receive health and/or social care packages (Social Care Direct Payment or NHS Personal Health Budget) or self-fund your care, then we can support you to manage it in a way that gives you choice and control.
Our specially trained and experienced advisors can help you to understand the pros and cons of the different options for using your funding. They can help you to understand your responsibilities and make it easier for you to do this by providing you with information and templates. Your advisor will help you with budgeting to ensure that you have sufficient money to meet your care needs as well as paying for
things like tax and National Insurance.
We can:
Explain how the Direct Payments/Personal Health Budgets work
Advise you how you could use your personal budget to employ a Personal Assistant
Provide payroll services for paying tax and National Insurance to HMRC
Offer guidance on getting Employer’s Liability Insurance cover in place
Advise on employment legislation e.g. national minimum wage, statutory rights of employees, contracts of employment etc.
Assist with recruiting a Personal Assistant that will support your care needs
Provide guidance about financial record keeping
Work with you to develop your care plan and provide an ongoing support (where needed)
Help to find the services you need (brokerage)
Support you to comply with the rules and regulations
If you would like any more information about any of our services, or are interested in purchasing one of our services, please contact us:
Tel: 01823 255905

This service is for people who may need or want additional support managing their care funding.